We are a young, creative and ambitious team. Each of us believes in solidarity, respect and self-development.
What motivates us most? Well-being, art, fashion and the planet.
We are aware of the current societal issues we all face, that's why we decided to innovate and propose a creative and artistic solution, having a direct impact on ourselves and the world around us.
We are convinced that responsible and ethical consumption is important for the future of our planet.
Our first mission is to fight against plastic bottles and other single-use products.
French people are among the largest consumers of plastic bottles in the world. On average, they consume 9 billion liters of water per year from plastic bottles, or 132 liters per capita. Swimi wants to reduce this consumption by offering a responsible and reusable solution!
Our second mission is to make all generations aware of the environmental issues we face. That's why, every week, Swimi Challenges will be given to you in order to surpass yourself and improve your daily life.
Our last mission is to highlight the importance of your well-being in body and mind. We are convinced that aligning these two aspects allows us to move forward and accomplish great things.