Le présent site est édité et exploité par la société SWIMI, société par actions simplifée de droit français au capital social de 50 000 €, immatriculée au Registre du Commerce et des Société de Paris sous le numéro 881 287 668 et dont le siège est situé au 4 rue Treilhard, 75008 Paris, France.
Numéro de TVA intracommunautaire : FR 738 812 876 68
Directeur de la publication : Monsieur Etienne Perrin
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Swimi teamed up with street artist Arthur Simony for this work of art. Born in Paris in 1985, Arthur Simony is an urban art street artist who includes poetry and literature in his work. He designed this original piece of art for Swimi. It is titled Nous sommes un océan.
Swimi teamed up with the artist Ugo Nonis for this work of art. Born in Paris in 1977, Ugo Nonis is now based in Los Angeles. His paintings form an intersection of abstract and design; a mix of the present moment and technology. He designed this original piece of art for Swimi. it is titled Watering Hole.
"Creating this work for Swimi was a wonderful challenge which allowed me to discover a new approach to making art. I also appreciated working on this project because it encourages us to consume less plastic. As a surfer, I come across plastic almost every time l'm in the ocean"